Sunday afternoon, running of the Daytona 500, new snow on the ground here at home and I am getting nervous about preparations for my trip.
My son Adam has been the brains behind setting up the web page for my blog. Adam is the founder and owner of 4D5W Inc., an internet marketing company, so this part of the preparation is in his forte. Having such professional assistance has been, is, and will be a real asset in the blogging of this adventure.
The list of interested schools and individuals is growing steadily and I recently added a school in Shanghai, China to the list. My next step will be to make the web page public and to notify everyone of the URL so they can begin to follow the progress.
Just 35 more days before I start.
Still need to get my truck thoroughly checked out and serviced.
Still need to configure plastic storage tubs to contain all my supplies and arrange them in the truck bed. A process very similar to that of Lewis and Clark as they began to pack their pirogue and boats. Just deciding “… the different articles necessary…” is a major task. In my case, if I have forgotten something important, I can make purchases as I travel; not so for the Corps of Discovery.
Still need to publicize and get more interest/followers.
Still need to plan major points of interest.
Still need to re-read journals and make notes of significant quotes.
Still need to study maps of all the states I am expecting to travel.
Still need to update my GPS equipment so I have the latest data.
Still open for ideas and suggestions from educators that plan to follow the blog. Click here to submit your feedback.