The weather has eased up a bit and I finally got back on the road. When I left Chamberlain this morning, the roads were mostly snow covered but at least they were passable. As the morning went on the road conditions improved and I was able to travel my planned route for the day. The scenery with all the new snow was amazing. The whole countryside was pure white, bright and clean. Sunglasses were a must because of the glare. I planned two locations for the day, one was Mount Rushmore and the other was a drive through the Badlands. After completing them I saw a sign indicating a “Minuteman Missile Site” nearby. I couldn’t resist stopping to see this unusual item. None of these were Lewis and Clark related, but all three have significant history and/or geography. Daily data: Beginning odometer reading was 27,499. Ending odometer reading is 27,900 at Murdo, South Dakota Best Western Motel Meals were $26.00 (I had a buffalo chili dog for lunch and a buffalo ribeye for dinner). I paid $11.00 for parking at Mount Rushmore. Chamberlain, SD. The odometer was 27,499 and I bought 7.003 gallons @ $3.599 for a total of $25.20. The second fuel stop was at Rapid City, South Dakota. The odometer was 27,205 and I bought 13.002 gallons @ $3.369 for a total of $43.80. Lodging for the day is $68.34 + April 11,...
If these guys are not Lewis and Clark, who are they and what are they doing on my trip? I know that Mount Rushmore and the Badlands are not usually associated with Lewis and Clark, but they are so significant in both history and geography and I was very near, I just had to visit them. I want you to enjoy the photographs AND learn a bit about them. First of all, who are those guys carved on the mountain? Which face was completed first ? Which one last? Since I am not assigning this as a homework problem, I will just give you the answers, but I still want you to learn them. The men are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. Washington’s face was completed in 1930, Jefferson in 1936, Lincoln in 1937, and Roosevelt in 1939. For more information, you can visit their website [alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”117292386093793315084″ ualb=”5865730648718014561″ imgl=”fancybox” dltext=”Picasa” style=”floor” row=”4″ num=”80″ size=”220″ border=”1″ highlight=”1″ align=”center”...
The Southwest corner of South Dakota has some amazing history and geography. In another journal entry, you will see the historic Mount Rushmore. In this journal entry, you will see examples of the unique geography of the area. The best tutorial I have found on the Badlands is one produced by the National Park Service Today when I was there the Ranger told me that they received over 3 feet of snow in the last couple days and that is the most he can remember in his 20 years there. The snow really made it beautiful and unusual. I was lucky to get up close with several big horn sheep, so enjoy those photographs. [alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”117292386093793315084″ ualb=”5865734925377383633″ imgl=”fancybox” dltext=”Picasa” style=”floor” row=”4″ num=”80″ size=”220″ border=”1″ highlight=”1″ align=”center”...
Just a 30 minute missile flight from here to Moscow. In 1961 this Minuteman Missile Site was designed and built to be a substantial threat to our Cold War Enemy Russia. These missiles were intercontinental ballistic missiles with a capability of striking Moscow in less than 30 minutes from their silo in South Dakota. These particular missiles had a 1.2 megaton warhead, equivalent to over a million tons of dynamite. None of these missile silos remain active since the end of the Cold War. You may have to ask someone older to help you better understand what the Cold War was. [alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”117292386093793315084″ ualb=”5865751953616197761″ imgl=”fancybox” dltext=”Picasa” style=”floor” row=”4″ num=”80″ size=”220″ border=”1″ highlight=”1″ align=”center”...