February 10th, 2013 – 49 Days Until Launch

It’s February 10, 2013 which means that in 49 days, I will begin my journey to travel the expedition of Lewis and Clark. As I am busy preparing and planning, I will include a few short excerpts from some of my study materials. Hope you enjoy them and get something from them.
From a brochure titled “Discovering the Legacy of Lewis and Clark”, a publication of “The Lewis and Clark Partnership”.
“The story of Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark and the Corps of Discovery continues to fire American imaginations.  Travelling nearly 8,000 miles in 28 months, the Lewis and Clark Expedition crossed the territory of the newly acquired but uncharted Louisiana Purchase, and beyond to the Pacific Ocean.
They walked, rode, and paddled for a total of 2 years, 4 months, and 9 days. This was one of the most remarkable and productive military expeditions and scientific explorations in American history.  The magnitude of their journey is equivalent to today’s exploration  of space.”
“The Lewis and Clark Expedition initiated relationships between the United States and autonomous Indian Nations of the West.  The assistance of Tribes, and Sacagawea, a young, dedicated Shoshone woman traveling with the Corps of Discovery, assured the survival of the members of the expedition and their reception by the Tribes in the spirit of peace and friendship.”
“On January 18, 1803, President Jefferson asked Congress for $2,500.00 for a small U.S. Army unit to explore the Missouri and Columbia Rivers.  Jefferson chose Captain Meriwether Lewis to lead this expedition.  To prepare for this monumental trek, Lewis studied a wide range of scientific topics in Philadelphia. Lewis also assembled supplies and armaments from Harpers Ferry and recruited boatmen from Pittsburgh.”
“Journeying down the Ohio River, Lewis and co-commander Captain William Clark, recruited civilians and military  personnel of “hardy stock” from along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.  The members of the expedition were as diverse in backgrounds as the lands they were to explore.  Each member provided critical skills and expertise for the success of the mission.”